Le Groupe de travail montérégien – Orthophonie et développement du langage (GTM-ODL) est constitué des représentants de 15 tables de concertation intersectorielles en petite enfance en Montérégie. Il propose le continuum de services concerté en orthophonie communautaire comme approche novatrice pour offrir un soutien efficace aux parents et aux tout-petits en matière de développement optimal du langage et de la communication.
KIT - Community speech language pathology and the collaborative continuum of services
Here are the three volumes of the KIT – Community speech language pathology and the collaborative continuum of services. These documents are distinct and complementary. The GTM-ODL considers that the Kit must be accompanied by training workshops to facilitate its appropriation and thus promote the implementation of the collaborative continuum of services
The English translation was carried out by Traduction Proteus, with the financial support of the Montérégie West Community Network (MWCN).
Volume 1. Implementation guide
Volume 1 of the Kit is an introduction to the overall approach to implementing the continuum of collaborative community speech-language pathology services. It provides the bases for understanding the concept and its various elements. It also outlines the conditions for successfully implementing the continuum in a new environment, including a proposed set of steps to follow.
Volume 2. Toolbox
Volume 2 outlines the useful information for the effective implementation of the continuum of collaborative community speech-language pathology services. It contains the tools needed to identify the service offering and to position it relative to the cross-cutting principles of the continuum. It also includes tools needed to design and propose the activities identified as essential to the optimal development of communication and language in young children.
Volume 3. Theoretical and experimental framework
Volume 3 covers the theoretical and experimental aspects of the continuum of collaborative community speech-language pathology services. It presents the data and information used to develop the concept of community speech-language pathology, which is applied through the proposed continuum of collaborative services. It also provides a broad description of the test period itself, namely the methodology surrounding the three showcase projects, and the general results of the assessment.
Additional documents
The scheme of the community speech language pathology and collaborative continuum of services is the document that summarizes the continuum. It is useful to present it to your partners. You can print it in 11x17 inch format.

For more information, please contact Manon Béatrice Gauthier at